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Joe Biden:


To think that we spent twenty years

To lead this backward land from tears!

Blood and treasure in the sand

Lost for this unyielding land!


I opposed it from the start,

You cannot change these people’s hearts;

And for some girls in Kabuls' needs

I will not let my soldiers bleed.


And please don’t talk of poetry

That world is simple, trouble-free,

And name me just one poet who

Has once for freedom given his due.


Go on, name one, here I am

US President, Joe Biden!

In fact, you conjure from the shades

Just one who has a difference made!






Lord Byron:


Well I was resting when I heard

From somewhere else a far-off word,

Summoning me with living breath,

From my rest in peaceful death.


Ah, I see, a President

Of the USA has some intent

To hear of my last voyage to Greece,

So that an empire’s grasp would cease.


From a Yankee I would say,

I would rather have some way

A little nod, a signal small,

Than an Emperor’s cheery call.


He scorns the poets - I agree!

No dissent he’ll have from me.

A scribbler’s life is not complete,

They must in the world compete.


So of that voyage to Greece I’ll tell,

And draw out every parallel.

Along the way so you can see,

How runs the highway of the free.


So, Joe, please let me interject

And show where centuries intersect;

For the purpose of this play,

I can here all things survey.


Now both Greece and Afghanistan

Shared their warlords, tribes and clans;

Both with local rivalries

That had festered on for centuries.


And there the balances of power

Are watched like hawks from hour to hour.

Allegiances will change in length,

According to perceived strength.


So when news came that I had made

A loan, for ships towards Greece to sail,

Ottoman’s navy would withdraw

From posts by Missolonghi's shore.


And when news of my death was heard

Supplies and credit were deferred;

Volunteers faltered in their tallies,

Because round me they could not rally.


Thus when support from Afghans brave

Who fought their country for to save

Was cut, to leave them there forlorn,

A fatal signal sounded forth.


Now you’ve complained of money’s waste

By those corrupt – a true disgrace!

And why should Uncle Sam you say

For those corrupt and disloyal pay?


Those Afghans loyal to tricks were put:

So some could claim a bigger cut.

Their officers would the listings swell,

Neglecting them, their needs as well.


It was just the same for me.

I made the sad discovery

That officers of my fine Brigade

Had claimed and creamed off phantom pay.


Captains, majors conjured up,

So that they could better sup,

Tribesmen promoted beyond their dreams,

I raged when I unearthed their schemes.


In the end I closed that down –

With Suliote chiefs a mighty row.

Understandable but sad, it showed

Encircled I by charming rogues.


They were like our Highlanders of old:

Ungovernable, but brave and bold;

And in the end they had loved me,

The parting songs true eulogies.


But I digress, Joe Biden, here;

But this crucial point must now appear:

A strategic point that came to fore,

Some years after I was no more.


Greece, part of empire Ottoman,

Whose ships made sure their writ would run,

When Navarino cut that link

Then for sure their star would sink


Those they call the Taliban,

Found haven sure in Pakistan.

So I'd say if you'd cut that link –

Their fortunes would have had to sink.


In the end the reasons you

Had found that that, you could not do

Meant in the end you could not win,

But your example may yet spin


A future different in that land,

Can anyone those barbarians stand?

When they’ve had a glimpse of light,

Good government at least in sight.


The Greeks, the Greeks, to me they'd say

Could not be trusted night or day;

But to them I would reply:

‘Redeeming qualities you will find


In the humble countryman,

Corrupted not by devious plan.

And when at last misrule will lift

You'll find, maybe, that things will shift’.


One final thing I'll say to you:

Towards the land of Greece I threw

My energies, avoiding those

Warlords brave whose actions showed


Their visions were but localised,

To rule the roost with their own tribe.

My words, my acts, a demonstration

Not for a faction but a nation.


That nation soon would come to be

Independent proud and free

The first true nation European

For her – deserved poetic paean!


Joe Biden:


Well, Lord Byron it has been

A privilege to meet you here;

And I must withdraw my hasty words

That poets all are quite absurd.


For you sure made a sacrifice,

Your fame, your fortune and your life;

I abandoned Freedom’s cause,

And took the politician’s course.


Realpolitik, my dear Lord B

Scorned by you but key for me;

You lost your life in foreign land,

But by my judgment I must stand.


That blood was never mine to shed,

That treasure earned by those instead

Who cared not of these foreign lands,

– So by my ruling I must stand.


Sure, me and Kamala regret

The lives that now seem all too set

On women, forced by Taliban men

Returned to homes and robbed of pen


And of potential – chattels and

Their contributions to their land

Wished away and cruel ignored,

With faces to be seen no more.


But me and Kamala sleep at night,

Oh yes we do, for might is right.

There is what is, and what might be,

But that is not for us to see.





Find out more about

Byron's journey to Greece below...


Described by one of his friends as 'very clever and agreeable,

but vain, overbearing, conceited, suspicious and jealous';

another wrote 'God bless him for a gallant spirit and a kind one'.

When he went to Greece to support its struggle for

Independence his true qualities came to the fore....



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Lyrics and background info here


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The Closest Thing in History explores the surprising similarities

that exist between the biggest band in music – The Beatles –

and another fab four – the Younger Romantic poets Keats,

Byron, Leigh Hunt and Shelley – who were responsible for

shaking up the cultural zeitgeist in the early nineteenth century.


Both drew on inspirational figures who then turned on them,

(that's William Wordsworth and Elvis Presley!),

Lord Byron generated an early form of Beatlemania,

and both had interlocking creative relationships that yield

genuine insights when placed side by side.


And then, as we can trace the actual impact of the Younger Romantics

on history there is the chance to consider - if the comparison between

them has been accepted - how the Beatles' afterlife could unfold.


A fascinating must-read for all those with a

passion for music, poetry and cultural rebels!


'More than a Wordsworth of praise for this new book'

- read John Bezzini's review on the Beatles here





Asian Rime front2 resize



Plus, thoughts on Ukraine
 UKRAINE smile logo avatar 



And check out John's Romantics-related website

John George Leigh Percy blue square




John on YouTube

'This channel is so underrated

you deserve a million subscribers!!'



Stand with ukraine2




Today's dictator blusters
Alone and on the stand
With visions false of destiny
And claims to Ukraine's land

The truth is more prosaic,
He's just a common thief
Who wants his hands on Ukraine's gold,
Its cornfields and its beef
He knows the Russia he has made
Is critically bereft
And having spurned creative paths
Can see no options left.
So all this stuff 'bout NATO
And Nazis ruling Kiev,
And Western wrongs that threaten still
Are smokescreens to deceive
The truth is more prosaic,
He's just a common thief
Who wants his hands on Ukraine's gold,
Its cornfields and its beef.
Churchill said that Russia hides
In mystery, riddle twined
All wrapped in an enigma
But here’s his final line
It’s Russia’s raw self interest
That gives the vital clue
That will be the key he said
And now as then it’s true.
So think of coal and wheat and oil
And warm fresh water ports
Those will animate his thoughts and dreams
Till he’s to justice brought.




March 2022

Is there anything else
That now may attract
The ire of a spurned President?
Some land that he thinks
Was wrongly assigned
With the wrong people there resident?
Some country he feels 
Is too close and too flat
To repel the attacks that will come?
So should occupied be
And no longer be free 
So in future those deeds won't be done.
Will his fancy alight 
One day or one night
On a new project to be fulfilled?
If so you should know
That his acts won’t be slowed
By the prospect of blood to be spilled.  
International law
Doesn’t feature at all
In the mind of a man so obsessed,
And the great world of all
Its concerns and its laws
Are there merely to be suppressed. 
So now it is certain
- No veil and no curtain -
A wrong 'un is out on the loose;
With blood on his hands
Casting ruin on lands
And all for his dreams of Old Rus.  
Machiavelli it's said
Had tactics so dread
They would take everyone by surprise;
But - taken in once
(Maybe taken in twice)
Then everyone's used to your lies. 
In the end there's a natural 
Yearning for justice
Ingrained in the lives we enjoy;
And that force will arise
and then mobilise
In Freedom's cause to be employed.



April 2022


Russia O Russia

Do we see you now plain

With your masses complicit in crime?

Though your brave marchers few

Quickly hustled from view

May redeem in the passage of time.


What gives you the right

With such malice and spite

To lay others’ cities to waste?

Because of one man

And his barbarous plan

Is your land not forever disgraced?


And don't you recall

How back in the war

Your people were bombed and displaced?

And how you take pride

In how they defied

The Nazis and to them laid waste?


Now don’t you defile

Through this warfare so vile

Their devotion and blood sacrifice?

And hospital wards

And refugee hordes

Reveal its so pitiful price?


A young girl in tears

For the pets that she’d left

To starve in the rubble of town;

And flats opened wide

To the cold air outside

By brutish bombs raining on down.


The stories of pain

Which again and again

Are transmitted over the news,

Are too overwhelming

To lay out in verse

But will be long in the memory fused.


Now let the gentle the free and the brave

Step up to the challenge laid down,

Now let the lawmakers, crunchers of numbers

Work out the amends to be found.


Now let the fighters and warriors true

Who here do an empire resist,

Find that their strivings are met with success

With peace no more crudely dismissed.


And Russia O Russia

May you discover

The way to the pathways of ruth,

And not harden your heart

To forever depart

But open your eyes to the truth.



'In the end, hatred will disappear and dictators will die'

Volodymr Zelensky, President of Ukraine, 17/5/2022


'Forge arms in your defence to bear'

                               - P.B. Shelley


'Yet Freedom, yet thy banner torn but flying

Streams like the thunderstorm against the wind'

                                                                                                                                                                                  Lord Byron





June 2022


Come on let's dream a better future

Than the current horror show,

As laid out by a writer exiled

From Putinland he'd had to go.



Bearded, from a small room talking

With an uncertain life ahead,

‘How should things be?’ the question came

And this is roughly what he said:



'Ukraine and Russia have a past

Entwined in history's passing flow,

Closely bound and complicated

But from that past we have to go!



We have to think of both proud peoples

And their future lives and wealth,

And how to build prosperity

And how to build well-being, health



For the children of the future

So they perish not in mud and snow

Fighting for an old idea

No, from that past we have to go!



Catherine the Great and Greater Russia, 

Tsarist dreams and Stalin's crimes,

The coveting of wheatfield bounty

No, we must leave that behind!



I can see a path ahead 

Where our lands can safely go

And our descendents forward tread

Into the future they can grow. 



As a Russian I pay tribute

To the skills and industries

Of Ukraine and its fine people –

If they can thrive then why can’t we? 



If Ukraine wants to face the West,

Well, that's the way they want to go;

And so the path of least resistance

Is found by going with the flow.



In the world we now inhabit

We should be partners for the greater good:

Ukraine draws on Russian resources

Russia deals in trade not blood.



It would gain by resource trading

Its people gain from profit shared;

Ukraine busied with its business

And the world from hunger spared



So that's it, it's so damn simple

So damn simple – one, two, three!

So let’s cast off that bad old thinking

And as partners, neighbours be'.



And with that the image flickered,

And with that he disappeared,

Leaving me to mourn the now

Yet with a sense of foresight clear.


 Russia Ukraine Shelley graphic YTa





January 2023


'What they cannot steal they break'
A mindless envy so to slake;
If they cannot win in war
The child and woman must be shorn


Of heat and food and all those things
Collective minds and effort brings.
Leaving signs of savage reign

When forced from ill-deserved gain.

From havens safe both near and far
In last resort their birds of war

Prey on homes and human lives

With scruples none and fell allies


Now lies disguise these grotesque acts

With twisted truths and garbled facts;

So if in dreams truth does appear

Next day the court will make it clear


Those dreams are wrong and quite forbad

The dreamers will be classed as mad

And made to pay a hefty fine

So they will hedge their bets next time.


And yet, Russia, you can’t unleash

Such violence without creating grief

In your homes, your own backyard

Prepare to learn some lessons hard


Derived from living in the past

Refusing every single chance

To change and some new furrow plough…

We see you getting angry now



A forerunner of the foreign volunteers fighting for Ukraine

The story of Byron's contribution to Greek independence

and how a nation gained its freedom from an empire


Byron and Greece 2022 cover2





Prometheus Unbound,

the concluding verse,

published in 1820





"To suffer woes which Hope thinks infinite;
To forgive wrongs darker than death or night;
To defy Power, which seems omnipotent;
To love, and bear; to hope till Hope creates
From its own wreck the thing it contemplates;
Neither to change, not falter, nor repent;
This, like thy glory, Titan, is to be
Good, great and joyous, beautiful and free;
This is alone Life, Joy, Empire, and Victory”





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